I had been thinking about designing custom origami paper, where the patterned paper would reveal itself into a design once properly folded, and then Victorian puzzle purses happened to come up on my feed. Victorian puzzle purses were origami-like paper pieces that were folded up to hide its contents. They were often used for love letters and were usually decorated by hand to have different designs reveal themselves when folded/unfolded. Since Victorian puzzle purses have several stages of unfolding, it was an opportunity for multiple designs in one piece.


Design and Planning

I had drawn several typographic designs in Photoshop when I was practicing hand-lettering and decided to reuse one for this project. This design was based around strawberries (Turkish: çilek), so I already had some visual iconography to work with. I first finalized designs for the three “main” folded forms - the initial folded up form (giant strawberry iconography), the back of the completely unfolded form (English word “strawberry” out of vines) and the front of the unfolded form (initial çilek design.)

I then worked off of each of these designs to plan each unfold accordingly, covering the rest of the design with strawberries and vines and linking them across each unfold so it would look smooth across as many forms as possible.

Printing and Adjustments

The whole piece took up the front and back of a square piece of paper. I lined them up in a two page PDF for print and printed several black and white samples. After folding it up into puzzle purse form, I checked that the designs displayed the way they were intended to. There were several hiccups and mistakes, and I went back and adjusted the design each time to make sure things lined up properly before reprinting.




Unfolded twice (completely unfolded)

These didn’t need to be adjusted since they were simply dependent on the other unfolds working.



Unfolded once

Front - failed attempt 1

Front - failed attempt 2 (got worse lol)

Front - failed attempt 3 (getting closer!)




I went through about three different black and white versions before I was satisfied with the outcome. The final versions was then printed in color. Fold lines were drawn in for more accurate folding.

Final Front Pattern

Final Back Pattern


Final Piece



Unfolded twice




Unfolded once

