Airport Passenger EtiquetteAn infographic about improving airport efficiency.

Airport Passenger Etiquette (2018)

How to Open a Fan (Wordless)A wordless tutorial on how to open a fan using just two fingers.

How to Open a Fan (2018)

Marrow Spoon ManualA manual on how to use an imaginary product (a spoon that regulates the user's eating). An exercise in critical and speculative design.

Marrow Spoon (2018)

Winter Tips HandoutA double-sided handout passed out to students to help them take care of their mental health during the winter.

Winter Tips for Mental Health (2017)

Multicultural Panel PosterA promotional poster for a multicultural panel event about mental health.

Multicultural Panel (2019)

NEDA Week ScheduleA schedule of events for the National Eating Disorder Awareness week. This was a collaboration between three student organizations and included events all the organizations.

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week Schedule (2017)

A poster about the Huron River Watershed Wildlife.

Huron River Watershed Wildlife (2016)